Comic updates are once every 2 weeks on Thursdays until further notice.

Posted July 24, 2024 at 01:06 pm

I'll be taking the time to spruce some things up here and there but look at how beautiful the site came out! MASSIVE shout-out to the tech team at Hiveworks (Kevin and Kiri, ya'll are awesome!!) For being able to put this together based on my general idea of where I wanted to go with the look. 

And just in time too because we're in that final run for the series! It's the last book, and we're chipping away at the last 2 chapters and epilogue. This final book clocks in at around 225 pages! 

It's been an amazing learning experience and the comments I've gotten over the years have been fuel to my fire working on this series. Cheers to getting to the home stretch! <3 
